Friday 31 July 2015

Snatched by Karin Slaughter

Please I wanna go home.

That ladies and gentlemen are the words that turn Will inside out. One simple sentence and from that one sentence the chase and hunt begins. I was so undecided on whether or not I was going to read this book. I am loving this series but I really don't like novella's. I know a lot of people like them and i'm probably in the minority here but hey that's just my opinion on them. This series only has the one novella though so I decided to give it a whirl and here we are. I love Will Trent he has quickly become one of my many favourite character's and I just love how he is so awkward but so smart.

I wanted to enjoy this book like I have the other's in this series and I did enjoy it to some extent. It just could've been so much better. It was action packed but was over so quick that I feel like I didn't get enough. I did love the ending with little Abigail and the words that she spoke to Will. I think had this been a full novel it could've been something amazing. Don't get me wrong this was a really good book I was just left wanting so much more.

3 out of 5 Stars!


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