Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Wantable Unboxing: February's Accessories Box‏

Today I bring you my February edition of the Wantable Accessories Box. This is the most expensive box that I'm currently subscribed to but you do get 4 items of jewelry so you know it all kinda works out. Wantable is an american subscription service but luckily they do deliver to Australia as well. They offer five different subscription services including fitness, accessories, style, makeup and an intimates box. Due to the costs i'm only subscribed to the accessories box at the moment but if money permitted it I would definitely be signed up to the other boxes as well. The unique thing with Wantable is that you can customise it to suit what you like. For example with the accessories box I pretty much only ever receive two necklaces and two sets of earrings as this is my preference. The accessories box costs $40 USD per month plus postage to Australia and with the current exchange rate it works out to be about $65 AUD. Here is what I received in my February box:

Seraphina Necklace: This long worn silver necklace features an arrowhead pendant. Seriously an arrowhead pendant guys!! As a lot of you may know one of my favourite shows at the moment is Arrow so I was so excited to get this necklace. Retail price is $14.00

Alanis Silver Earrings: These earrings feature wavy silver bar details. These earrings suite my style perfectly and I love them. They seem to be pretty good work earrings so I can see these getting worn a lot. Retail price is $14.00

Winifred Necklace: This multi tone necklace features a tribal inspired pattern. This necklace isn't really my style but would be perfect for a number of friends or relatives so i'm going to save this as a present for someone. Retail price is $24.00

Theodora Silver Earrings: These antique metal earrings feature fringe and turquoise detailing. These earrings were the stand out item for me and as soon as the photo's were taken these were put on straight away. They suit me and my style perfectly. Retail price is $17.00

By the time you work out the exchange rate and postage you pay just about retail cost for these items but if you were living in the US I reckon this would be a fantastic value for money subscription box. I've received a few of these boxes now and have loved the jewelry that i've received. It is really good quality and I can't say that i've really had any pieces fall apart on me and let's face it i'm not the most gentle person. I'm a very basic jeans and singlet kinda girl so I love having cute earrings and necklaces to dress up my outfits. I always love receiving this box in the mail and the best thing about it being from the US is that generally nobody over here is wearing the same accessories as me. Can't wait to see what I receive next month. 

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