It has been a couple of months since I have been on here but i'm happy to say that i'm back from my small hiatus. It will be a different looking blog this year with much more unboxings, general randomness and less book reviews. I found that with doing book reviews all the time I started to lose my love of reading and I was finding it hard to want to pick up books. I stopped doing reviews just after boxing day and this year i've already read 18 books so the whole not doing reviews thing, seems to be working really well for me.
I found myself in a bit of a mental struggle after christmas and the new year as well and I don't speak of these things too often but i'm hoping that if I get back into the habit of blogging again that it will help sort out some of those issues as well. I've also been trying to get out of the house more on the weekends instead of just sleeping the weekend away cos you know that's not really an exciting or healthy way to spend your weekend.
I plan to do weekly updates every Sunday to let you know what i've been up to so this will be my first update. I only managed to read two books last week because work has picked back up recently and i'm not getting as much time to read, totally unfair I know!! The first book I read was the Hunting Season which is the fourth book in the Aurora Sky series by Nikki Jefford. I've really enjoyed this series but i'm finding that it's really starting to repeat itself and I think it's maybe becoming a series that is going on for too long. The other book I read was Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens and I absolutely loved this book. This would've been a solid five star read for me if it wasn't for the fact that the start of the book was really hard to get into. The issues in the book really hit close to home and I thought that they were written extremely well.
I've still been watching Arrow on Netflix and I'm a little bit into season two now. I'm really loving Felicity and Oliver but I hope that Black Canary comes back soon as well. I got 4 Arrow Funko Pops as a late christmas present and let me just say they are amazing and so adorable. I also just started watching Shadow Hunters on Netflix and I was super keen to start this series cos I kept trying to read the books but couldn't quite get into them. I've only watched the first two episodes so far and i'm really enjoying it. We had a bit of a movie weekend this weekend and watched Rooster Teeth's Lazer Team on Friday Night. Both me and my husband loved it but it was weird seeing all the guys in a movie. We also watched The Martian last night. I never got around to reading the book because I knew that my husband really wanted to watch the movie and I find that if I read the book then I can't watch the movie because it's ruined for me. It was an amazing movie though and I strongly recommend it.
In the gaming part of my life I finally finished Gems of War on the xbox and anyone who has all the achievements on this game would know what I mean when I say that I am so glad to be finally done with it. The last achievement was a brutal grind but was such a good feeling when I finally got it. That mean's i'm back to playing Frozen Free Fall cos you know inside i'm still a little kid and Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. Probably not going to get much of a chance to play any games this week but I will take what I can get.
Targeted Products for the Week:
Perfume: Daisy by Marc Jacobs
Candle: Coconut and Lime by Camirelli
Makeup Product: Max Factor Defined Rose Intensifying Balm
Body Product: Early Harvest Raspberry Body Butter by the Body Shop
Haircare: Toni and Guy Sea Salt Texturising Spray
Nails: Avon Gel Enamel in Envy (toes) and O.P.I You're Such A BudaPest (fingers)
That's all for this week guys. Sorry for the very long post. Obviously not every week will be like this. I just had a few things to cover straight off the bat. Keep an eye out over the next couple of days for my wantables accessories unboxing and I will see you all again next week xx